Signing a business agreement for cooperation in the oil vapor liquefaction recovery processing unit business > News

유증기 액화 회수 처리 장치 NO.1 에코매직 주식회사

유증기 액화 회수 처리 장치 NO.1 에코매직 주식회사

유증기 액화 회수 처리 장치 NO.1 에코매직 주식회사

Signing a business agreement for cooperation in the oil vapor liquefac…


  • 등록일 24-07-29
  • 조회31회


Gas Station Association cooperates with EcoMagic to supply oil vapor liquefaction devices

Signing a business agreement for cooperation in the oil vapor liquefaction recovery processing unit business

It was agreed to cooperate in expanding the supply of oil vapor liquefaction recovery processing units through government subsidies.

The Korea Gas Station Association and EcoMagic liquefy the oil vapor generated at the gas station and regenerate it into gasoline

Promote cooperation to include liquefaction recovery equipment in government-subsidized projects



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